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On-Going Research Project

Due to the public nature and setting of GEGs and their G+ Communities pages, permission from members of these public pages to collect data is not necessary and therefore your contributions to the group WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE INCLUDED in the research unless you notify me to WITHDRAW.


Information to withdraw can be sent to the researcher through the link below at:


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  1. write YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS in the message form

  2. click the SEND button


Assalamulaikum Wr Wb,

Dear all GEG teachers,


My name is Pratiwi Wini Artati, a PhD candidate at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. I am currently conducting a research to further understand how informal teacher professional learning occurs within Google Educator Groups (GEG) as this could be useful knowledge for future development. I will be collecting data between February until November 2017 by observing the postings and interactions occurring within these GEGs' G+ Communities Pages.




Click "READ MORE" for further details.


I look forward to following your contributions.


Thank you

Victoria University of Wellington

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