Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,
I am Pratiwi Wini Artati and I am a PhD Candidate at Victoria University of Wellington. I am currently conducting a research project about Indonesian Secondary School Teachers' Informal Professional Learning with Social Media. This research project will explore an emerging phenomenon of Indonesian teachers' informal professional learning within a social media platform of GEGs on Google Plus (G+) Communities. This exploratory research aims to contribute to the field of social media and teacher professional learning through a qualitative multiple case study design. The exploration of Indonesian teachers' GEGs on G+ Communities was conducted to gain insights about the collective and individual facilitation of their informal professional learning experiences as leaders and members on such social media platform.
Having a master degree in education from Ohio University, USA, focusing on instructional design and technology and working as an education technology specialist for Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic Indonesia for more than eleven years have equipped me with perspectives, experience, and wisdom about the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in education, specifically in teacher professional learning and development. This has motivated me to delve and explore more on my professional practice, particularly in motivating and assisting teachers to utilize and cultivate networks and networking on social media outlets for alternative models of effective, innovative, productive, and engaging professional learning and development to improve the quality of teachers in Indonesia.
As part of my academic endeavor in pursuing post graduate study in Victoria University of Wellington, I am conducting this research project as part of the requirements of the Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) study where my professional practice and expertise come into further exploration. Although my postgraduate study is sponsored by Indonesian government (funded by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education/LPDP), this research project is not related to any of government project or agenda and mainly undertaken based on my personally independent capacity as a PhD student in Victoria University of Wellington whose passion, motivation, and interest are professionally and academically related to the area of information communication and technology/ICT-based teacher professional learning and development in Indonesia.
Teacher Professional Learning and Development
Social Media for Informal Professional Learning
2000 - 2004
Soegijapranata Catholic University (UNIKA)
Semarang - Indonesia
BA in English Literature
2005 - present
ICT Center for Education (Pustekkom)
Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud)
Jakarta - Indonesia
Education/Learning Technology Specialist
(Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran Muda)
2007 - 2009
Ohio University
Ohio - United States of America
M.Ed in Instructional Design and Technology
(Computer Education and Technology)
2015 - present
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington - New Zealand
Ph.D Candidate